Tuesday, December 29, 2009

although it feels like a rollercoaster now...life will calm down!

the following are a few things i heard at a meeting today.  please share what ever comments you might have.
  • we are no longer alone.
  • not everyday will be wonderful. it's okay!
  • fake it till you make it...act the way you want to feel and you will begin to feel that way.
  • enjoy this day sober.
  • we will know a new freedom and a new happiness.
  • we have got to do the footwork...one day at a time.
  • poor me...poor me...pour me a drink?
  • you can control 'it' and control 'it' and then at some point 'it' will control you.
  • practice saying 'oooohhhhhh'...you don't have to respond or react to everything.
  • if someone says 'i liked you better when you were drinking', say...'i liked you better when i was drinking too!'
  • it's okay to be selfish in new sobriety. we are like a newborn. we need to be taken care of. it takes time.
  • work as hard in recovery as you did in your addiction.
  • stay in the moment.
who am i? it will take sometime to figure it out. 'we' will figure it out. getting sober introduces you to a whole new mature way of living.